Robert Crumb - The Complete Crumb #10
Crumb Advocates Violent Overthrow!

"The Complete Crumb #10 continues the multi-volume series comprising the complete works of the legendary cartoonist R. Crumb, one of America's most original, trenchant, and uncompromising satirists. The series includes the earliest, heretofore unpublished comic strips, as well as his underground, dramatic and autobiographical strips, and his classic creations. This volume features work from 1973 to 1975" (back-cover hype)

Featuring Mr. Natural, Big Asses, Charles Bukowski, Frosty The Snowman, Covers, Fellatio Art, Shlubb Mugubb, Bob, Gilbert Shelton, Valerie The Vegetarian, Bureaucrats, and many others.

Collection published by Fantagraphics Books in 1994.

Find a free comics reader here (windows) or here (mac). Or you can simply unzip the file and read it as a PDF.
Thankyou Very Much !
Sweet! Thanks so much.
why does it say "Insult them". Well then... FUCK THEM ALL!
i want to download this at work, but the main hosting pages are blocked (RS, MU, badongo, mediafire).
I noticed you uploaded some things to flyupload. Could you please upload this one into it *_*
Thanks for this Robert Crumb. I've heard of him but never seen his work.
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