Friday 31 July, 2009

Georges Schwizgebel - 78 Tours (1985)

For more than thirty years, Georges Schwizgebel’s images have won over the audience from movie and television screens around the world. With marked brushstrokes, he paints directly onto acetate film. Fourteen images per one second of the movie… amount to his total work of almost 20 short films.

On 78 Tours a subjective camera and a fixed framing alternate to an accordion waltz which triggers a short story recalling the passing of time. The entire film is based on the graphic notion of circles and rings. From the cup of coffee to the children’s games passing through a spiral staircase. The camera itself whirls round following the general aesthetics.

Réalisation - Georges Schwizgebel
Musique - Alessandro Morelli/Patrick Mamie



  1. Merci beaucoup pour le message très agréable sur mon blog et aussi pour l'ajout dans la liste des liens.
    J'espère bientôt te faire découvrir de nouvelles chôôôôses.
    Merci encore!

  2. I forgot to say I`ve linked you in my blogroll...
    I hope there`s no problem..

    keep rockin!
    See you!

  3. I think I've seen this before somewhere... I loved it. Thanks!

  4. linking is ok!

    glad you've all enjoyed this one. maybe this moments will become more usual from now on this channel. is this the kind of movie you watch to with the remote on your hand?



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