365 days pumping the most refined SOMA oil into the international markets
Dear All;
Today, the 8th of August of 2008, marks an important ephemerid we must celebrate, for it is the 1st anniversary of Bravo Juju!
Nowadays we face, as never before, the unstable forces of the market, we're bound to cruel enslavement as we have never been before, the oil-dollar governs contemporary society and will continue to rule and shamelessly devour our earth...
In order to succeed and endure in this oily-monster-machine we call world we have to consume a certain oil, and this oil is SOMA oil!
The U.S.A. are going to have a serious impact on our global future, as we all know...
Obama or McCain?!!? No!! We at Bravo Juju support none of these candidates. In the great "indecision" 2008 U.S. of A. elections, we support the incredible J.R. Ewing for President of the United States, for he's different from all other politicians. He represents the archetype of infinite success, honor, universal love and peace among all the nations of our beloved blue and green planet!
His political ideas serve the highest values of true democracy, stoic morality, freedom, justice, humanity, ecology and Love.
J.R.'s political ideas are directly concerned with a broad platform of serious social concerns such as: the creation of a free and universal health care system, of a free and universal education system, the promulgation of anti-liberalist laws and strong financial incentives to enterprises/companies & industries with radical socialist economic policies, the creation of heavy taxes for multimillionaire individuals and companies, the eradication of world poverty and hunger, the enforcement of the Kyoto agreement & the creation of worldwide non-polluting alternative energy systems, etc... . Even if you're not American, to support J.R. For president is to act consciously for our future, in favor of our grandsons and towards a healthier planet!
To musically celebrate this unique campaign and also Bravo's 1st anniversary, nothing more adequate than the classical electroacoustic recreation of Dante Alighieri's - The Divine Comedy -, a timeless literary piece of knowledge, by Francophone composers Bernard Parmegiani (hell) and François Bayle (purgatory and earthly paradise).
The piece is narrated by Michel Hermon and follows the actual main scenes of Dante's Divine Comedy.
As we enter the dawning of a "new era"(?!º"=#?) it's useful to look back portraying or longing for new perspectives to timeless classics like this one!

The Ewings at Bravo Juju sincerely wish to thank all of our friends, collaborators and users for this first year of continued support!!
We do hope to continue to celebrate and share our life with all of you!!!
Long Live the SOMA Oil!!
J.R. for President!!
The Ewings; Now-where-land, 8th of August of 2008.

Dear All;
Today, the 8th of August of 2008, marks an important ephemerid we must celebrate, for it is the 1st anniversary of Bravo Juju!
Nowadays we face, as never before, the unstable forces of the market, we're bound to cruel enslavement as we have never been before, the oil-dollar governs contemporary society and will continue to rule and shamelessly devour our earth...
In order to succeed and endure in this oily-monster-machine we call world we have to consume a certain oil, and this oil is SOMA oil!
The U.S.A. are going to have a serious impact on our global future, as we all know...
Obama or McCain?!!? No!! We at Bravo Juju support none of these candidates. In the great "indecision" 2008 U.S. of A. elections, we support the incredible J.R. Ewing for President of the United States, for he's different from all other politicians. He represents the archetype of infinite success, honor, universal love and peace among all the nations of our beloved blue and green planet!
His political ideas serve the highest values of true democracy, stoic morality, freedom, justice, humanity, ecology and Love.
J.R.'s political ideas are directly concerned with a broad platform of serious social concerns such as: the creation of a free and universal health care system, of a free and universal education system, the promulgation of anti-liberalist laws and strong financial incentives to enterprises/companies & industries with radical socialist economic policies, the creation of heavy taxes for multimillionaire individuals and companies, the eradication of world poverty and hunger, the enforcement of the Kyoto agreement & the creation of worldwide non-polluting alternative energy systems, etc... . Even if you're not American, to support J.R. For president is to act consciously for our future, in favor of our grandsons and towards a healthier planet!
To musically celebrate this unique campaign and also Bravo's 1st anniversary, nothing more adequate than the classical electroacoustic recreation of Dante Alighieri's - The Divine Comedy -, a timeless literary piece of knowledge, by Francophone composers Bernard Parmegiani (hell) and François Bayle (purgatory and earthly paradise).
The piece is narrated by Michel Hermon and follows the actual main scenes of Dante's Divine Comedy.
As we enter the dawning of a "new era"(?!º"=#?) it's useful to look back portraying or longing for new perspectives to timeless classics like this one!

The Ewings at Bravo Juju sincerely wish to thank all of our friends, collaborators and users for this first year of continued support!!
We do hope to continue to celebrate and share our life with all of you!!!
Long Live the SOMA Oil!!
J.R. for President!!
The Ewings; Now-where-land, 8th of August of 2008.

damn, Jr.
you've put up some weight in just one year.
problem with Sue E?
keep up the good work!
(some more AMM maybe?)
Cher John Ross, te voilà dans ta période de maturité... Un an! Je me souviens lorsque j'avais un an et qu'avec ta mère nous allions près des puits de pétrole du grand Saddam et que je lui disais: " un jour, ils seront mien". et tu vois, je ne me suis pas trompé... Nous faisions l'amour et tel un geyser...Hum, enfin tu vois...
Je suis fier de toi...
Ton père Jock qui t'aime, comme un père aime son fils, rien d'homosexuel...
P.S.: Sue ellen est partie. QUelle pute celle-là: INGRATE!
Happy anniversary! May you have many more!
Likembe and this blog, both excellent, seem to have been started on the same day...
BRAVO JUJU, BRAVO! A new hat will be send via e-mail !
very happy anniversary!!! Long may you live JR!
Greetings from Spain
Congratulations with your birthday!
Thanks for all the hard work!
ps: somebody's listening...
Happy Birthday JR and thank you for the music!!
A slightly belated happy birthday, JR, keep up the excellency ! Merci pour tout
My name is Mary Wells and i would like to show you my personal experience with Soma.
I am 45 years old. Have been on Soma for 1 year now. It seems to have lost its effectiveness to relax the neck spasms somewhat. I get more relief from vicodin.
I have experienced some of these side effects-
I took it for two nights in a row and got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I fell off the toilet because the soma made me so out of it! I take it occasionally now at bedtime so I can sleep pain-free, and find it very difficult to wake up the next day.
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Mary Wells
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