"This is space-blues-rock at its weirdest... When this album is taken in comparison to some of the Early Period stuff, it’s hard to imagine how they could be the same artist. The songs here sound thought out and possibly rehearsed, but still spontaneous, like the hoot and holler of ‘War Dance’. Jandek makes his most accessible album not by abandoning his basic style but adding into it a more solid interpretation of the blues. He manages to capture not just the music but the spirit of the recordings. It sounds like he’s having a lot of fun, and that fun rubs off on the listener as well"
Daniel Marks
“A celebratory exorcism... The progression of the guitar playing is astounding... It recalls the savage beauty of Mr. Howling Wolf... A masterpiece.” Jimmy Johnson
loved this. freeform. swell
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loved this. freeform. swell
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